以色列挖出1500年前教堂 希臘銘文「紀念光榮殉道士」

以色列考古團隊在馬特·貝特·謝麥什(Ramat Beit Shemesh)地區附近挖掘到一座宏偉教堂,地板以華麗的馬賽克磚紋飾,牆上則有希臘銘文。以色列古物管理局表示,這座教堂興建於1,500年前拜占庭時期,用以紀念一名「光榮殉道者」。

據Times of Israel報導,這座教堂興建於公元543年查士丁尼一世皇帝(Justinian)統治的時期,到了提比略二世君士坦丁皇帝(Tiberius II Constantine)增加了禮拜堂。根據教堂挖掘由馬賽克拼貼的希臘銘文看出,這座教堂是來紀念一名神秘的殉道者。

#ShabbatShalom from Israel where a magnificent 1500-year-old church, decorated with spectacular mosaic floors and Greek…

Jerusalem Dateline 發佈於 2019年10月25日 星期五

以色列古物管理局挖掘部主管史托敞(Benjamin Storchan)在新聞發表會上指出,該教堂巨大宏偉,面積略超過1/3英畝,並以高聳的柱子為裝飾,柱上的裝飾相當精緻;教堂分為3部份,包括中殿以及兩側的禮堂,入口處有個迎接朝聖者的中庭,紀念殉道者的銘文就貼在庭院內。




Mystery in Beit Shemesh: Who was the Glorious Martyr?

Mystery in Beit Shemesh: Who was the Glorious Martyr?

An ancient, 1,500 year-old Byzantine church was recently discovered in archaeological excavations organized by the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) in Ramat Beit Shemesh. Amongst the remains of this church, spectacular mosaic floors were discovered that include an inscription in Greek referring to the “Glorious Martyr” for whom the church was dedicated.

Since the church’s discovery, the identity of the martyr has fixated archaeologists at the IAA – who was this significant persona in whose honor the church was built at the exceptional expense of Byzantine emperors?

Excavations revealed thousands of objects — what appears to be the most complete collection of Byzantine windows and glass lamps ever found at a single site in Israel, and a unique baptismal font in the shape of a cross made of calcite stone that forms in stalactite caves.

Amanda Weiss, Director of the Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem: The vision of the Bible Lands Museum is to be a cultural, educational, and experiential center that connects all its visitors to their roots in the past. We are pleased to collaborate with the IAA, which enables us to exhibit the impressives finds that were unearthed. As Dr. Elie Borowski, the Museum’s founder, said, “The future of humanity has its roots in the past. Only through understanding our history can we build a better future.”

Tonight, the Museum will unveil “The Glorious Martyr” to the public — an exhibition featuring some of the most important artifacts discovered at this unique site. The exhibition will open as part of the opening ceremonies of the 13th annual conference, “New Studies in the Archaeology of Jerusalem and its Region.”

Please join us for this unique occasion!

For additional details >> https://bit.ly/2EQ4UMc

Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem 發佈於 2019年10月23日 星期三

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