被誤會吸毒 小賈斯汀自爆罹患萊姆病!

加拿大人氣歌手小賈斯汀(Justin Bieber)16 歲就以〈Baby〉在全球爆紅,走紅後他接二連三的脫序行為,讓他成為人人喊打的老鼠。力圖振作的他,藉由信仰慢慢地讓人生步入正軌,在揮別樂壇4年後推出了新單曲〈Yummy〉及系列紀錄片。眼看一切都雨過天晴,小賈斯汀8日卻在IG上自爆罹患了萊姆病,該病引發慢性單核白血球增多症(chronic mononucleosis),導致皮膚、大腦機能、精神和整體健康都受到影響,才讓他被誤會看起來像是「吸毒者」。曾經因萊姆病被迫中輟演藝事業的艾薇兒則為他打氣,告訴他及病友們還是有希望痊癒。

根據The Sun報導,小賈斯汀在IG表示,很多人看他的外表,以為他吸毒,但是其實他是得了萊姆病。他透露關於自己患萊姆病的詳細情況,會在新的紀錄片中詳細解釋,他目前正在接受治療,也在與病魔奮戰,希望大家對此疾病有更多的了解,避免自己有朝一日被感染。



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Today @JustinBieber shared that he has Lyme disease. There are too many people that have this debilitating disease! People I love and care about and many friends and fans I have crossed paths with. To everyone affected by Lyme, I want to tell you that there is HOPE. Because Lyme is a daily struggle, for the better part of two years, I was really sick and fighting for my life. Writing #HeadAboveWater helped me get through the worst of it, but the bad days still come and go. At the time, putting together my album saved my life. I needed to tell my story and to be able to share my experiences with others. Lyme disease is in all 50 states in the US and in EVERY country in the world, except Antarctica. It is a global pandemic but NOT a global priority. I never want others to suffer the way that I did, and because of that it is now my mission to raise awareness & funds that will help eradicate this life-altering disease. Portions of proceeds from every show on the rest of the #HeadAboveWater tour and merch sales will continue to go directly to Lyme disease. I will continue to fight and to support! @TheAvrilLavigneFoundation supports people with Lyme Disease, serious illness or disabilities. We raise awareness and aid PREVENTION of the Lyme epidemic. We impact the lives of individuals and families affected by Lyme Disease through TREATMENT grants administered by our charitable partners; and we’ve aligned with @globallymealliance to accelerate scientific research. Please, JOIN US as we endeavor to educate people, prevent the spread of Lyme and find a cure. Our initiatives enable us to provide HOPE and expand the number of lives we’re able to transform. TOGETHER we can do this. #FightLyme #LymeIsReal #TheAvrilLavigneFoundation

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萊姆病在台灣較為罕見,主要由伯氏疏螺旋體(Borrelia burgdorferi)所引起的人畜共通傳染病,經由被感染的蜱(俗稱壁蝨)所叮咬而感染,並不會直接由人傳染給人,屬於第四類傳染病。感染此病,初期會有頭痛、發燒、噁心等症狀,易與感冒搞混,不過當身體不同部位陸續冒出紅斑,就要小心是萊姆病。(吳雯淇/綜合外電報導)

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