「慘死堆土機下!」澳洲不肖業者伐木不當 造成無尾熊屍體成堆


據BBC報導,過去3個月澳洲野火已造成大量無尾熊被燒死,而如今又傳出無良業者為了伐木再導致無尾熊傷亡事件。近日有當地居民舉報,藍桉伐木場(Blue Gum)去年12月開始伐木,疑似因砍伐不當,造成數十隻無尾熊死於推土機作業過程,並把屍體曝曬野外。


⚠️ WARNING: DISTRESSING CONTENT ⚠️ Please share this with your followers and help make it go viral a koala massacre just happened this past week due to the bulldozing of 140 acres of land during the logging of a blue gum plantation, located approximately 12-14km west of the south west Victorian town of Portland.⁣ According to local sources hundreds of koalas may have been killed/injured during logging activities this week alone and locals apparently witnessed the bulldozing of many dead koalas into slash piles, which were burned to get rid of the evidence.⁣ Please share this heartbreaking news with your followers and tag people, celebrities, influencers and news media that need to see it as we must use our social media platforms to spread awareness about this to save these poor defenseless animals. Australia’s fires are bad enough, the last thing we need now are heartless corporations killing even more of the precious wildlife so help us get the word out and let’s protect the koalas, and all the other animals in danger too! We MUST work together to get the word out to get the media to cover this koala massacre and for the government to step in so please share this and tag people/news media and help us alert EVERYONE ASAP!

Australian Koala Foundation Dan Andrews

Save the Bees Australia 發佈於 2020年2月1日 星期六

另外,因大量砍伐無尾熊主要棲樹藍桉(藍膠尤加利樹)也導致部份無尾熊因缺乏食物來源活活餓死。環境部官員普里查德(Andrew Pritchard)表示,至少有40隻無尾熊死亡,倖存的80隻也已被安置,但仍有25隻因無法恢復而被安樂死。

「無尾熊大屠殺」的消息曝光後再次引發社會日輿論怒火。一名當地居民奧克雷(Helen Oakley)就痛批,親眼看到一對無尾熊母子倒在地上相繼死亡感到相當痛心,「澳洲政府應該要感到羞愧!請務必徹查整件事。」據了解,無尾熊傷亡數字還在攀升中,估計可能破百。

對此,澳洲環境部表示,目前仍不清楚負責人是誰,但已針對這起事件介入調查,一定會嚴辦所有涉案人員,並依《動物虐待防止法》(Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act)提出告訴。(艾以琳/綜合外電報導)

⁉️Australia – Koalas Found Dead on Logging Plantation⁉️

……same days we cannot believe the stories we read with…

World Heritage Species 發佈於 2020年2月3日 星期一

Kairos 風向新聞