
美國非裔男子佛洛伊德之死引爆全美示威抗議,各地也有警員、政治人物和哀悼民眾以單膝下跪來表達這起悲劇的遺憾。日前加州有數百位群眾聚集在佛蒙利市警局外也進行悼念活動,但該巿台裔市長高敘加(Lily Mei),在抗議現場堅持不跪引發爭議。她事後表示,是基督宗教立場才不下跪。






I want to thank all the people that took part in the demonstration today for making their voices heard loudly, while also doing so in a very safe and peaceful way. It was amazing to see such a diverse crowd, both in terms of ethnicity and age, united together to give a common message of hope, change, justice, and peace. However, we cannot let this end up as a one-time protest that will need to recur over and over again in the future because we forget the issue until the next time months or years from now when something else bad happens again. Instead, we need to make sure that we can facilitate real, meaningful change that puts an end to systemic issues that gave rise to what happened to Mr. Floyd. I will do everything in my power to make sure that this happens.

I also wish to thank the Fremont Police Department for doing such a great job today keeping everyone safe while maintaining the right of the people to exercise their free speech.

On a final note, I have been asked why I will not kneel at events like the one from earlier today. Because of my faith, I will never kneel to anyone but God. You will see me kneel in church, but you will not ever see me kneel at any other event except in prayer.

Mayor Lily Mei 發佈於 2020年6月2日 星期二

Kairos 風向新聞